September 2017

Interview with the artist, Santiago Insignares

2017-09-29T04:14:14+00:00September 29th, 2017|

Santiago Insignares is the young and smiling artist that I met in 2017 at ArtSpan, in San Francisco. He speaks English, Spanish and Italian, that's how we started talking in the first place. Santiago is a sculptor with a multicultural background and lots to talk about. Instead of words, he uses

August 2017

Jukhee Kwon and Milan Kundera, the infinite story

2017-08-09T21:07:58+00:00August 4th, 2017|

“For me, each book has individual personality and it has narrative and history like a human being.” J. Kwon Jukhee Kwon is a South Korean artist who's able to see in already written books new stories, re-writing them with surrealistic installations. Pages become wings, words feathers and books pulsating hearts. Kwon

April 2017

March 2017

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