Elena M
Floral Design
Instagram: Elena Mencarelli
Floral Decor for weddings, private parties and shootings
Dal semplice bouquet da sposa ad un’installazione scenografica che incornicia il vostro giorno, a centrotavola che contribuiscono a rendere ancor più memorabile la vostra festa.
Private clients
Feste di compleanno, cene aziendali, eventi speciali arricchiti da decorazioni floreali su misura.
Far la differenza nel lancio del nuovo prodotto con un tocco floreale in grado di esaltarne le qualità. Un profumo, un capo d’abbigliamento, un gioiello, non vi è limite alle collaborazioni tra Floral Design e Pubblicità.
About me
“Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.” ― Gerard de Nerval
❁ I am an Art lover, I love each one of its forms, but I chose the Floral Craft to express the research of beauty that has inspired me since I was little. A Visual Art background and years of experience as a floral designer developed in San Francisco and New York (where I studied first and taught afterwards at the renown FlowerSchool NY) contributed to the organic style of my arrangements. I get inspired by the unpredictability of Nature, by the beauty of fragility, and by the moving feelings that arise from contemplating impermanence’s perfection. Care for details distinguishes my work —the floral texture, the color combination of candles and vases; each one of my projects shows a sophisticated aesthetic.
Flowers teach us to appreciate life in all its fluctuations, to respect time, to change a challenge into an opportunity to make Art. Whoever desires completing their event with a floral touch show a sensitivity similar to the one of a Floral Designer, an aspect to praise. For this reason I love to plan together with my clients, helping them realizing their vision with a botanical personalized touch.