May 2020

June 2018

The ART of Lettering, the Letterform Archive

2019-04-14T16:49:26+00:00June 2nd, 2018|

“From style guides for Coca-cola, book design in the 16th century, or the hand written origins of some of the world's most famed fonts, the Archive collects, preserves, and tells the story of the importance and fascination with letters” —Juxtapoz I found out about the Letterform Archive during my flight back from

August 2017

Jukhee Kwon and Milan Kundera, the infinite story

2017-08-09T21:07:58+00:00August 4th, 2017|

“For me, each book has individual personality and it has narrative and history like a human being.” J. Kwon Jukhee Kwon is a South Korean artist who's able to see in already written books new stories, re-writing them with surrealistic installations. Pages become wings, words feathers and books pulsating hearts. Kwon

April 2017

Anne Manley and Francisco Coloane

2017-04-23T17:12:49+00:00April 2nd, 2017|

Anne Manley and Francisco Coloane One of my favorite games is finding connections between subject apparently extraneous. More the subjects are different for essence and matter, more I have fun. Though in this case the connections between Anne Manley's paintings and Francisco Coloane's stories revealed themselves almost immediately. Both the american

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